Introduction and Overview 607-05-01
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Glossary 607-05-01-01
December 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021 - 607-05-01-01
Values of Wraparound 607-05-05
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Wraparound Certification and Recertification 607-05-10
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Confidentiality 607-05-15
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Confidentiality and the Role of the Supervisor 607-05-15-01
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Information Sharing 607-05-15-05
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Use of Authority 607-05-20
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Cultural Competence 607-05-25
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Quality at the Source 607-05-30
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CPS Workers and Case Managers 607-05-30-01
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Supervisors 607-05-30-05
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Field Services Specialists 607-05-30-10
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Safety Framework Practice Model 607-05-35
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Introduction 607-05-35-01
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CPS Intake 607-05-35-01-01
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CPS Assessment 607-05-35-01-05
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Case Management 607-05-35-01-10
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Overview 607-05-35-05
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Definition and Principles of Practice 607-05-35-05-01
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Court Intervention 607-05-35-05-05
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ICWA Requirements 607-05-35-05-10
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Child Welfare Workflow Process 607-05-35-05-15
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Assessing and Controlling Present Danger Threats 607-05-35-10
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Assessing for Present Danger Threats 607-05-35-10-01
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Creating a Present Danger Plan 607-05-35-10-05
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Documentation of Present Danger 607-05-35-10-10
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Out-of-Home Present Danger Plan 607-05-35-15
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Assessing Safety of Out-of-Home Present Danger Plan Placement 607-05-35-15-01
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Documentation of Out-of-Home Placement Present Danger Plan 607-05-35-15-05
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Overseeing the Present Danger Plan and Monitoring Safety 607-05-35-20-01
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Documentation of Safety Management During CPS Assessment 607-05-35-20-05
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Safety Information and Safety Assessment, Analysis, and Plan 607-05-35-25
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Gathering Safety Related Information During the CPS Assessment 607-05-35-25-01
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Safety Assessment and Safety Determination Analysis 607-05-35-25-05
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Safety Plan 607-05-35-25-10
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Developing a Safety Plan 607-05-35-25-10-01
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Family Centered Engagement Meetings 607-05-35-25-10-05
December 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021 - 607-05-35-25-10-05
Documentation and Supervisory Approval of the Safety Plan 607-05-35-25-10-10
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Warm Handoff 1 - Case Assignment 607-05-35-30
December 1, 2020 - May 22, 2022 - 607-05-35-30 ML 3674 - Name Change
Warm Handoff 2 - Case Transition Staffing 607-05-35-30-01
December 1, 2020 - May 22, 2022 - 607-05-35-30-01 ML 3674
Contact with Parents/Caregivers and the Child 607-05-35-30-01-01
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Evaluation of the Safety Plan 607-05-35-30-01-05
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Immediate Adjustment of the Safety Plan 607-05-35-30-01-10
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Documentation of the Warm Handoff 2 - Case Transition Staffing 607-05-35-30-01-15
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PCFA and Case Planning Process 607-05-35-35
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Protective Capacities Family Assessment 607-05-35-35-01
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Preparation Stage 607-05-35-35-01-01
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Introduction Stage 607-05-35-35-01-05
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Discovery Stage 607-05-35-35-01-10
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Change Strategy and Case Planning Stage 607-05-35-35-01-15
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The Child and Family Team 607-05-35-35-05
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Child and Family Team meetings 607-05-35-35-05-01
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Case Plan 607-05-35-35-10
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Case Plan Content 607-05-35-35-10-01
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PCFA and Case Plan Documentation and Supervisory Approval 607-05-35-35-10-05
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Managing Safety During Ongoing Services 607-05-35-40
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Shelter Care 607-05-35-40-01
July 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 - 607-05-35-40-01 ML 3868
April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 - 607-35-40-01 ML 3838
January 1, 2023 - April 1, 2024 607-35-40-01 ML 3808
July 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 607-05-35-40-01 ML 3783
In-Home Safety Plan 607-05-35-40-01-01
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Out-of-Home Safety Plan 607-05-35-40-01-05
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Safety Plan Revisions 607-05-35-40-01-10
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Safety Management Documentation 607-05-35-40-01-15
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Protective Capacities Progress Assessment 607-05-35-45
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Measuring and Evaluating Progress and Change 607-05-35-45-01
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PCPA Documentation and Supervisory Approval 607-05-35-45-05
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Parent/Caregiver and Child Visits During Case Management 607-05-35-50
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Case Manager Safety During Visits 607-05-35-50-01
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Frequent and Quality Visits with the Child 607-05-35-50-05
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Frequent and Quality Visits with Parents/Caregivers 607-05-35-50-07
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Documentation of Parent/Caregiver and Child Visits 607-05-35-50-10
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Locating and Involving Noncustodial/Absent Parents 607-05-35-50-15
December 1, 2020 - January 31, 2024 - 610-05-35-50-15 ML 3793
Exceptions for Involving Noncustodial/Absent Parents 607-05-35-50-20
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Concerted Efforts to Locate Noncustodial/Absent Parents 607-05-35-50-25
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Documentation of Efforts to Locate Noncustodial/Absent Parents 607-05-35-50-30
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Reunification 607-05-35-55
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Reunification Criteria and Process 607-05-35-55-01
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Case Closure 607-05-35-60
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Safety at Case Closure 607-05-35-60-01
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Unplanned Case Closure 607-05-35-60-05
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Case Closure Documentation and Supervisory Approval 607-05-35-60-10
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Exceptions 607-05-35-65
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Working with Relatives 607-05-35-05-25
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Identifying and Notifying Relatives 607-05-35-05-25-01
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Requirements for Out-of-Home Safety Plans 607-05-35-05-25-05
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Requirements for In-Home Safety Plans 607-05-35-05-25-10
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Responsibilities of Relative Search 607-05-35-05-25-15
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Parent/Caregiver Objection to Relative Search 607-05-35-05-25-20
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Charts 607-05-65
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Appendices 607-05-70
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 1: Cultural Competence 607-05-70-01
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Application of Cultural Competence to Child Welfare Practice 607-05-70-01-01
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Developing Culturally Competent Helping Relationships 607-05-70-01-05
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Culturally Competent Communication 607-05-70-01-10
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Which Family Member to Address First 607-05-70-01-10-01
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How to Address Family Members 607-05-70-01-10-05
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Personal Space and Touch 607-05-70-01-10-10
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Eye Contact 607-05-70-01-10-15
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Offers of Food or Refreshments 607-05-70-01-10-20
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Strengths, Skills, and Dysfunction within a Cultural Context 607-05-70-01-15
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 2: Present Danger Threats to Child Safety 607-05-70-05
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Maltreatment Present Danger Threats 607-05-70-05-01
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Child Present Danger Threats 607-05-70-05-05
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Parent/Caregiver Present Danger Threats 607-05-70-05-10
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Family Present Danger Threats 607-05-70-05-15
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 3: The Vulnerable Child 607-05-70-10
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The Present Danger and Impending Danger Assessment and the Vulnerable Child 607-05-70-10-01
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Ascertaining Child Vulnerability 607-05-70-10-05
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Considerations for the Vulnerable Child 607-05-70-10-10
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 4: Establishing and Implementing the Present Danger Plan 607-05-70-15
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Questions to Consider 607-05-70-15-01
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Examples 607-05-70-15-05
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 5: Present Danger Threats in Placement Homes 607-05-70-20
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 6: Information Needed to Support Safety Decisions 607-05-70-25
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Household Composition 607-05-70-25-01
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Maltreatment - Extent, Circumstances, and History 607-05-70-25-05
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Child Functioning 607-05-70-25-10
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Adult Functioning 607-05-70-25-15
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Discipline 607-05-70-25-20
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Parenting 607-05-70-25-25
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 7: The Danger Threshold and Impending Danger Threats to Child Safety 607-05-70-30
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Danger Threshold 607-05-70-30-01
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Impending Danger Threats 607-05-70-30-05
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When to Assess for Impending Danger 607-05-70-30-10
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Safety Plan Determination 607-05-70-30-15
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Safety Determination Analysis Question 1 607-05-70-30-15-01
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Safety Determination Analysis Question 2 607-05-70-30-15-05
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Safety Determination Analysis Question 3 607-05-70-30-15-10
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Safety Determination Analysis Question 4 607-05-70-30-15-15
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 8: Parent/Caregiver Protective Capacities 607-05-70-35
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Behavioral Protective Capacities 607-05-70-35-01
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Cognitive Protective Capacities 607-05-70-35-05
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Emotional Protective Capacities 607-05-70-35-10
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Examples of Demonstrated Protectiveness 607-05-70-35-15
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 9: Safety Plan Information 607-05-70-40
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Determination of In-Home or Out-of-Home Safety Plan 607-05-70-40-01
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Qualities of Sufficient Safety Plans 607-05-70-40-05
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 10: Safety Services Information 607-05-70-45
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Safety Category 1: Behavioral Management 607-05-70-45-01
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Safety Category 2: Crisis Management 607-05-70-45-05
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Safety Category 3: Social Connection 607-05-70-45-10
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Safety Category 4: Resource Support 607-05-70-45-15
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Safety Category 5: Separation 607-05-70-45-20
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Respite Care 607-05-70-45-20-01
April 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 - 607-05-70-45-20-01 ML 3868
July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 607-05-45-20-01 ML 3808
Qualifications of Safety Services Providers 607-05-70-45-25
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 11: Safety Management Criteria 607-05-70-50
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In-Home Safety Management Criteria 607-05-70-50-01
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Out-of-Home Safety Management Criteria 607-05-70-50-05
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 12: Quality Visits with Children and Parents/Caregivers 607-05-70-55
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Preparation and planning for Visits 607-05-70-55-01
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The Four Phases of Visits with the Family 607-05-70-55-05
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Warm Handoff 3 Phase 607-05-70-55-05-01
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PCFA and Case Planning Phase 607-05-70-55-05-05
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PCFA Phase 607-05-70-55-05-10
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Warm Handoff 4 Phase 607-05-70-55-05-15
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Effective Dialogue and Questions 607-05-70-55-10
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Developmental Considerations for Visits with the Child 607-05-70-55-15
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Children Age 5 and Younger 607-05-70-55-15-01
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Children Ages 6-12 607-05-70-55-15-05
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Children Ages 13-18 607-05-70-55-15-10
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Considerations for Quality Parent/Caregiver Visits 607-05-70-55-20
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Post Visit Activities 607-05-70-55-25
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 13: PCFA Instructional Guidelines 607-05-70-60
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Case Manager's Role During the PCFA 607-05-70-60-01
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Introduction Stage Guidance 607-05-70-60-05
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Discovery Stage Guidance 607-05-70-60-10
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Change Strategy and Case Planning Stage Guidance 607-05-70-60-15
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Completing the PCFA When Parents/Caregivers are Resistant to Participate 607-05-70-60-20
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 14: Conducting Child and Family Team Meetings 607-05-70-65
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Preparing for the Child and Family Team Meeting 607-05-70-65-01
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During the Child and Family Team Meeting 607-05-70-65-05
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After the Child and Family Team Meeting 607-05-70-65-10
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 15: The PCPA and Stages of Change 607-05-70-70
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Precontemplation: Not Ready to Change 607-05-70-70-01
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Contemplation: Thinking About Change 607-05-70-70-05
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Preparation: Getting Ready to Make a Change 607-05-70-70-10
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Action: Ready to Make a Change 607-05-70-70-15
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Maintenance: Continuing to Support Change 607-05-70-70-20
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 16: Casework Competencies 607-05-70-75
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Skill Set 1: Fundamentals of Child Welfare Practice 607-05-70-75-01
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Skill Set 2: Fundamentals for Engaging Families 607-05-70-75-05
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Skill Set 3: Fundamentals of Assessment to Ensure Child Safety 607-05-70-75-10
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Skill Set 4: Fundamentals of Case Planning and Family-Centered Practice 607-05-70-75-15
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Skill Set 5: Fundamentals of child Well-Being 607-05-70-75-20
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Skill Set 6: Promote the Well-Being of the Child Welfare Workforce 607-05-70-75-25
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Child Welfare Practice Appendix 17: Safety Framework Tools and Forms 607-05-70-80
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